An Interesting Pea Story - Modern Times

4 comentarios:

Trompeta dijo...

Hola! Soy la autora del Bloc de l'Elefant Trompeta, un bloc sobre literatura infantil, en él voy haciendo entrevistas a distintos ilustradores, y he descubierto tu trabajo, y me ha fascinado. Por ello, me gustaría que te pusieras en contacto conmigo a mi correo:

Muchas gracias

chrisanthep dijo...

I'm Chrysanthe Protopsaltou, the writer of this story, I was really surprised to see it translated in english, but I really loved the illustrations

juan m. moreno dijo...

Hi Sissy, i´m very happy you like the illustrations, your story is great!
I have the story translated to english, to can draw it (my greek is not very good haha... and i don´t have the original greek version.
If are any problem i can remove it and whait to have the original version.

chrisanthep dijo...

It is really an honour to see the story in this web site, I'm really proud, and the illustrations are great, even better than what I was imagining while writing the story.
Thank you.